Join us Tuesday, March 11th, 6:30 pm, at Lakes Community High School for the 3rd Annual District 117 Collegepalooza. Collegepalooza is a postsecondary planning program providing seven different educational sessions over three time slots. The program begins in the Lakes Auditorium. See flyer for additional details.
1 day ago, Lakes Community High School
Mamma Mia tickets are still available for this weekend. Make sure you catch the show.
2 days ago, Lakes Community High School
Mamma Mia
Parents, guardians, and care givers. Please check your email for a link to the 2025 panorama survey. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and it helps us craft our school goals and improvement plans.
12 days ago, Lakes Community High School
Panorama Survey
Bus 3 and 6 are having some cold weather trouble. Bus 3 is running 25 minutes late. Bus 6 is running 15 minutes late. Please adjust your arrival time at the bus stop. Stay warm.
12 days ago, Lakes Community High School
Momma Mia will take the stage starting February 21st. Tickets are on sale now. Students, check your email for how to reserve your FREE ticket.
16 days ago, Lakes Community High School
Due to incoming winter weather, Lakes will have an early release schedule tomorrow, Wednesday February 12th. All after school and evening events will be cancelled. The modified schedule is attached.
19 days ago, Lakes Community High School
Regrettably, the winter formal did not sell enough tickets, and will be canceled. If you purchased tickets, refunds will be coming soon. We appreciate the everyone who worked to try and make this happen. Thank you for your understanding.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
Buy your tickets for the Winter Formal for a chance to win tickets to a Michigan football game. If you have not purchased your tickets do so before 3:30.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
Winter Formal Update - Winter Formal ticket deadline has been extended to January 29th at 3:30. 350 tickets must be sold to host the event. Buy your tickets on Vanco ASAP.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
Winter Formal
winter formal 2
Unfortunately, due to low ticket sales, the winter formal on Saturday, February 1st, has been cancelled. Refunds for tickets already purchased on Vanco will be issued soon.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
Tomorrow is jersey day. Make sure you rep your favorite team. Winter formal is Saturday. Tickets are available on Vanco.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
winter formal
Lakes will have a winter pep assembly tomorrow. Here is the modified bell schedule.
about 1 month ago, Lakes Community High School
Tune in Live tonight for our January 16th Board of Education meeting starting at 6:30 pm @ Antioch High School:
about 2 months ago, District 117
Lakes welcomes the class of 2029 to an open house this evening. Presentation are at 5:30 and 7:30 in the auditorium. Course selection info is in the commons. Academics, athletics, and activities are in the field house. See you there.
about 2 months ago, Lakes Community High School
8th Grade Open House is Tuesday, January 14th. Check out the website for details.
about 2 months ago, Lakes Community High School
Juniors will take the practice ACT tomorrow during periods 1-4. Make sure to bring a charged Chromebook, calculator, and a #2 pencil. Students will have time for lunch when the test is done, and will return to class afterwards.
about 2 months ago, Lakes Community High School
Lakes is back at it tomorrow morning with the beginning of second semester. Classes start bright and early at 8:00. Welcome back Eagles!
about 2 months ago, Lakes Community High School
Finals start tomorrow. See the attached flyer for the schedule.
3 months ago, Lakes Community High School
Congratulations to the varsity girls' basketball team, who rallied from behind in the 4th quarter to earn a 34-31 point victory over Round Lake. Pics and additional coverage coming soon.
3 months ago, Lakes Community High School
Girls Basketball
Eagles!!! Our Winter Concert is tonight! Can't make it? Tune in live here @ 7 PM - -
3 months ago, "Ozzy" The Eagle