If you plan to take an AP Exam, registration and payment is due on Tuesday, Nov. 10. There is a $40 late fee if you miss this date! For more information: https://eagles.chsd117.org/article/323429?org=lakes-high-school. Contact Mrs. Bowen with any questions.
Class of 2021: check your postal mail for information from HR Imaging/ Root Studios regarding Senior Pictures, Nov 9-14 at LCHS, including instructions to schedule your appointment. There is no charge for yearbook photos and they must be taken by HR Imaging.
Lakes' Blood Drive Nov. 5th. 2:00-7:00
4 donations = Graduation Blood Cord
Lakes will be hosting a blood drive on Nov. 5th 2:00-7:00
Please check your email for a message from Dr. McKay on Tuesday, October 20 regarding an update on Public Health Data and D117 moving to full remote learning beginning Monday, October 26.
Student council wanted to wish everyone a Happy Pumpkin! Thank you LCHS Staff for making a difference for our students- we hope you enjoy this small token of appreciation.
Block A2 has in-person learning Wednesday, 10/21 and Thursday, 10/22. We can't wait to see you back in the building Eagles!
Block A1 has in-person learning Monday, 10/19 and Tuesday, 10/20. We can't wait to see you back in the building Eagles!
Antioch is hosting the IHSA Girls Tennis Sectional Tourney today at the District 117 Tennis Complex. Streaming begins at 1 PM and continues on Saturday at 9 AM! Tune in here!!!:
Eagle Theatre presents: She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms by Qui Nguyen! A comedy all about monsters, dragons, and killing the demons inside us all. Oct 15, 16, & 17 @ 7pm on Zoom. Visit EagleTheatre.com for the link! Caution: may contain language sensitive to young children.
Proud of our Eagles with their October Eagle Pride Awards! https://youtu.be/Ccshq0CrEWo
Check out our virtual October 2020 Eagle Pride video!
Congratulations to these outstanding Eagles! Thank you to Mr. Ring for putting this together.
We will see Block C2 in the building Thursday, 10/15. All Seniors will be in-person on Wednesday, 10/14.
Tomorrow, 10/14, ALL SENIORS will be in-person at Lakes for the state SAT test starting at 8:30 am. This exam is a graduation requirement for seniors. Due to this testing all FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, and JUNIORS will be full remote on 10/14.
We will see Block C1 in the building Tuesday, 10/13. Don't Forget - NO SCHOOL on Monday, 10/12.
Livestream Alert! Watch Cross Country Live! Https://livestream.com/d117live Streaming begins at 4:30.
NLCC Varsity Girls Conference Tennis Tournament is Live! Watch Here: https://www.chsd117.org/o/chsd-117/page/nlcc-conference-tennis
Antioch and Lakes Cross Country Livestream Alert!!! - Watch Live starting at 4:30 PM today! https://livestream.com/d117live . Tune in as Lakes and Antioch take on North Chicago and Grayslake North.
Lakes Students, Parents, and Guardians, Last week we instituted some mitigation procedures because of a high test positivity rate in the area. If you view the charts below you will see the rate has gone down to a level that we are comfortable lifting our mitigation measures. Starting tomorrow, all clubs and activities can resume in-person meetings and off-season athletics can resume contact days. If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Newberry at dave.newberry@chsd117.org Sincerely, Lakes Administration
We will see Block B2 in the building Wednesday, 10/7 and Thursday, 10/8.