Tune in to watch Lakes take on Grayslake Central one more time this year, this time for the IHSA Class 3A Boys Basketball Regional Championship, tonight on chsd117.org/lakeslive or youtube.com/@LakesEaglesD117. (Ignore any comments on our social media that have other links—the only places to get this livestream are at chsd117.org/lakeslive or the Lakes YouTube channel)
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Live
Need some help getting ready for the regional championship game tonight against Central? The newest episode of the Excellent Eagles podcast is available now on Anchor and Spotify! On this episode, we are talking about Eagles boys basketball, the art of dunking, a look inside the Marino family, and more with star senior big man Brock Marino, co-hosted by the voice of Eagles boys basketball, Mr. Nate Bargar. Listen now at Anchor (anchor.fm/district-117-media) or Spotify (open.spotify.com/show/59mJZXGObG13efFSfcQrLi)
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Excellent Eagles Logo
Proctors play a vital role for our students during their AP exams, and we would love to have your assistance this year. AP testing will be held May 1-5 and May 8-12 with makeup tests running May 17-19. The pay for proctoring standard time exams is $110 per exam and proctoring accommodation exams is $160 per exam. Virtual AP Proctor training will take place on Tuesday April 17, 2023 from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. After successfully completing the training, proctors will be compensated $100. Please reach out to Sophia Liarakos, sophia.liarakos@chsd117.org and apply here by March 10th: https://www.applitrack.com/d117/onlineapp/JobPostings/view.asp?all=1&AppliTrackZipRadius=5&AppliTrackSort=newest&AppliTrackLayoutMode=detail&AppliTrackJobId=1332&AppliTrackViewPosting=1
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Join us for the big game!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
State Walk! Congratulations and good luck to bowler Peyton Mezo and wrestlers Ava Babbs and Josie Larson at the State Championship competitions this weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Mezo Larson and Babbs
Mezo Larson and Babbs
Mezo Larson and Babbs
Today, Ms. Curtis and Mr. Lellman welcomed @GrayslakeNorth students to meet one another and practice for #TheBigGame next Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Ms. Curtis and students
Ms. Curtis’s students
Due to IHSA rules, there will be no livestream of Wednesday night’s boys basketball regional games. However, Friday night’s regional championship game WILL be livestreamed at chsd117.org/lakeslive and youtube.com/@LakesEaglesD117.
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Live
For 7th period of #DayAsAnEagle, we follow Jessica to Anatomy & Physiology, also taught by Mr. Christopher Blevins. Today in Anatomy & Physiology, the class is doing a heart dissection. Jessica’s favorite part of Anatomy & Physiology: “Blevins jokes and pushes everyone to be the best they can be .”
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Oman (Hype Squad)
6th period of #DayAsAnEagle takes us to PE Team with Jackie, taught by Mr. Christopher Hoffman. Today in PE Team, the class started off with the curl up test, when that was done, the class had to rest of the period to play basketball. Jackie’s favorite part of PE Team is having lots of fun with friends and being competitive against each other.
almost 2 years ago, Jackie Kohler (Hype Squad)
#DayAsAnEagle with Mr.Hoffman
Tickets for Eagle Theatre’s production of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” March 2–4 are on sale now! Purchase your tickets at vancoevents.com/blou. Seating is reserved. Select your seats when you purchase your tickets. Online sales will close 24 hours before each performance. Limited cash general admission seating may be available at the door. Please note: Eagle Theatre does not have livestreaming rights for this production. Therefore, there will be absolutely no livestream of this show. The only way to see this production will be in person, so buy your tickets now!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Spelling Bee Poster
For 4th period of #DayAsAnEagle, we follow Jessica to Food & Fitness, taught by Ms. Caitlin O’Grady and Ms. Julia Wieda. Today in Food & Fitness, the class we are finishing up our dairy unit. Jessica’s favorite part of Food & Fitness: “getting to eat food.”
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Oman (Hype Squad)
For 3rd period of #DayAsAnEagle, we go to Physics with Everett, taught by Mr. Christopher Blevins. Today in Physics, the class is learning about Magnetic Forces. Everett’s favorite part of Physics: “Mr. Blevins.”
almost 2 years ago, Everett Koutsoures (Hype Squad)
Mr. Blevins teaching class
Mr. Blevins playing with magnets
Mr. Blevins and his enthusiastic teaching
Attention seniors, t-shirt orders are due on 2/28! Here are a few other upcoming dates. Reach out to Senior Class Sponsor Ms. Cross if you have more questions!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Senior t shirts
Seniors, the deadline for non-institutional scholarships is a little over a week away. There have been a limited number of applications received at this point, so don't miss the opportunity to get money for your hard work! https://bit.ly/3YPf7P0
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
2nd period of #DayAsAnEagle finds us in AP Statistics with Jackie, taught by Mr. Brain Phelan. Today in AP Stats the class we did a brief recap on the material that was done in the past week and then proceeded to do new notes for the chapter. Jackie's favorite part of AP Stats is all of Mr. Phelan's random jokes throughout the class.
almost 2 years ago, Jackie Kohler (Hype Squad)
#DayAsAnEagle with Mr.Phelan
For 1st period of #DayAsAnEagle, we go to Global Studies with Everett, taught by Ms. Christine Zucker. Today in Global Studies, the class is learning about Mesoamerican culture. Everett’s favorite part of Global Studies: “The fascinating things you learn about the past.”
almost 2 years ago, Everett Koutsoures (Hype Squad)
Ms. Zucker
Ms. Zucker teaching class
Today, we are excited to show you a typical day at LCHS through our “Day as an Eagle” project. Student guides Everett, Jessica, and Jackie will show you what student life is like at LCHS and show you some of our teachers in action. Stay with us throughout the day on our website Live Feed, Facebook, and Instagram as we document a Day as an Eagle each period and show you what makes LCHS one of the best high schools in Illinois. #DayAsAnEagle
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Join us for the big game! Go Eagles!
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
Basketball Game
Please join D117 Administration and Andy Duran from LEAD for a presentation about the prevention of alcohol, drug use, and other risky behavior by teens. The presentation is on Feb 21st at 7 pm at LCHS. ⁦‪@LakesEagles‬⁩ ⁦‪@Sequoits‬⁩
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School
🚨E-Learning day for tomorrow Thursday, Feb. 16th🚨 We will follow the late start schedule for tomorrow. Students will join classes via the Meet links in their Google Classrooms. For more information, see the email from Dr. Feucht, and visit our website: https://bit.ly/3lFevNi
almost 2 years ago, Lakes Community High School