Principal Dave Newberry has been a positive fixture at Lakes Community High School since it was first constructed 18 years ago. Mr. Newberry has been a strong and consistent administrator advocating for students and staff throughout his entire tenure. The 2022 - 23 school year will be Mr. Newberry’s final year before he retires from 30 plus years in education. Because of Mr. Newberry’s experience and dedication, he is uniquely qualified to help the District transition leadership. Pending School Board approval, Mr. Newberry will take on district responsibilities in the areas of Curriculum, Instruction and Mentoring. The District plans to conduct an extensive search for his replacement. The process will involve parents, students, staff and the Board of Education. The District is confident that a talented replacement will be hired to replace Mr. Newberry.
LCHS Principal Newberry will join the District Office
January 24, 2022