Binoculars clipart
Senior Prom court
Poet Chastity Gunn presents during first hour on Tuesday, March 22.
Insiders Guid Infographic
Fireworks over Southwest Harbor, Maine
A Sequoits Ignite
Crowd around homecoming bonfire
Scott Leverentz, Jaclyn Orlov, Ben Tompkins, Eric Hamilton
Portrait of Eric Hamilton, Lisa McKavis, Jaclyn Orlov, Scott  Leverentz
Mr Riggs conducts the ACHS orchestra in the D117 Field House
Student receives copy of MacBeth from Mr. Hellen at November's You Make a Difference Breakfast on November 11.
Small American flags in front of a banner that reads ACHS Honors & Thanks Those Who Serve
Paytin Rasmussen and Ally Stephens receive "You Make a Difference" awards
A student celebrates Homecoming in the gym.
Closeup of Canon 70-200mm lens
Icicles hang from a tree branch over Lake Michigan
Board of Education Governance Recognition